
Devotional Archive

Day 31 - March 20, 2024


“For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” John 6:33

Leftovers, not quite enough to make a meal? So, add a little of this — a little of that.  Sometimes that works, and the meal becomes a whole new experience.  Other times we end up with something not quite right, but edible. 

In the end, we are fed.  Making the most of what we have been given, taking the nourishment and giving thanks—simple practices to incorporate into your Lent.  Practice gratitude by including prayer before eating, by appreciating the nourishment of the food and further the hands that made it.  Is there a local food pantry where you might donate?  Is there a local community kitchen where you might serve? 

The following is a prayer for meals during Lent as prayed by those serving at The Joseph House:

We bless you, Lord, and we praise you, for You have given us this meal to share, 
provided by the earth and prepared by human hands.
Help us to remember those who cannot eat because of poverty or sickness. 
Let the brief hunger we feel this Lent make us hunger even more for justice.
May this meal strengthen us to do Your will. 
Blessed be God for ever.

Submitted by Community Contributor

Prayer God, we are fed by you; may our lives demonstrate our gratitude.  Help us to do as you do and care for our brothers and sisters.  Amen. 

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