“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint” Isaiah 40: 29-31
This life can make us weary and at the worst of times, almost faint. Have your expectations not turned out like you had hoped? Has the unexpected turned your whole world upside down? The loss of a loved one, the painful betrayal of a friendship or spouse? Are you putting demands upon yourself that are frankly unhealthy?
Know that your Lord is there to raise your head of weariness, to lift your chin, to make you rise another day. He knows your deepest pain and he knows your hopes. He knows the life you have imagined for yourself, but he has so much more in store for you. Trust in him and you will see that it is just over the horizon. Let your expectations be opportunities in his hands; let him meet you in your pain and fill you with enduring hope that surpasses anything you could ever imagine. Trust in his word, trust in his character. He will take your brokenness and turn it into something miraculous, your hopes into mighty testimonies. Let him comfort you and let him make you soar through this life with a steadfast heart. The Lord will never allow you to fall faint when he carries you upon his wings.
Are you weary? Do you feel the weight of the world and maybe even the cross upon your shoulders? As we gather in expectation of this advent season, let the Lord your God carry you, and show you his plans. Great are his works and mighty is his enduring love for those who hope in him.
by Ashley Phillips
Let’s pray this prayer together:
My God, I thank you that you lift me up from the weight of this world and I praise you that you keep me from being crushed before its roaring waves and even from the weight of my own cross. I declare I will never fall faint, without hope. I will never be crushed completely. For, I proclaim in your authority, your love is my rock, and your mighty hand is my strong tower. I will soar upon your wings and live to testify to your goodness, your righteousness forever. Teach me to embrace your character and your words. Help me to open my heart to you, so that I may benefit from your mighty deeds - the power of the blood of your Christ. In Jesus name, Amen.