“Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong?” James 2: 5-7
Ah, that incredible feeling of receiving your first paycheck! Can you recall that day? Were you also taken aback by the realization that a substantial portion of your earnings goes towards taxes? I remember being quite surprised when I discovered that my check was significantly less than what I had actually earned. It left me with an immediate sense of betrayal, as if someone were allowed to deduct a portion of the money I had worked hard for over the past few weeks.
While money is just a small part of our lives, it does play a role. What never ceases to amaze me is the diverse backgrounds of the disciples, ranging from fishermen and businessmen to even a tax collector. Even Jesus himself was a carpenter. They were individuals of various ages and at different stages in their lives, but all equally vital. Each of them had unique ways of serving, and not all were motivated by financial gain or a lavish lifestyle. They all united with a common goal: to be rich in faith, to find abundance beyond materialistic beliefs and understandings.
I aspire to this pursuit of a fulfilling life. I challenge you to consider, as I do, the people in your life who bring you closer to God. It’s not about becoming wealthier or mastering a skill, but about those who elevate your faith. Today, focus on identifying those individuals who are supporting your faith journey and those who may be hindering it. We aim to be enriched in faith, prioritizing spiritual fulfillment over earthly desires. Let us pray.
by Kurt Hamilton
God teach us to be more like you. Show us that we are more than the materials that we own, but we are fully your children. Jesus gave us examples of how to act, serve, and learn. Today, teach us to do the same. Tomorrow, teach us to be better for you. God, you are so amazing and give us so much. Thank you for providing for us and making us rich in faith each day. May we say this every day, Amen.