What's the Pattern

Devotional Archive

Day 37 - March 27, 2024

What's the Pattern

“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5: 1-2

I have a deep love for puzzles, and I greatly admire the painstaking work and intricate detail involved in creating them, as well as the complex thinking required to solve them. To me, spirituality is like one of the most intriguing puzzles available. It is a dynamic, ever-evolving aspect of our lives, adapting and changing as we grow older and wiser, while also evolving with our personal transformations. What makes this spiritual puzzle more manageable is that God provides us with constant examples. God’s guidance is not only evident in our daily lives, offering opportunities to hone our skills and nurture our virtues, but it is also found in the words written long ago, meant to serve as a source of guidance during our times of struggle. I liken it to having a reference book with all the answers when we find ourselves stuck. It is a readily available resource, providing support to help us navigate our unique situations.

Beyond scripture, we also have a network of pastors, friends, family, and others who can offer their support during any challenge or phase of our lives. This is one of the most potent aspects of faith — the ability to lean on others as we journey through life’s various stages. It’s akin to the approach one takes when tackling a complex puzzle; when you’re stuck or in need of support, you change your perspective and seek a different angle. As we continue to study, learn, and practice, we become better equipped to handle the next situation. This is the essence of practice and growth. The depth of God’s love is exemplified by the ultimate sacrifice — giving up His only Son. It’s a move that transcends what we can fathom in the grand puzzle of life. God, with His complexity, remains a mystery we may never fully comprehend, but the excitement lies in the continual pursuit of understanding Him better. We strive to follow in His footsteps, hoping to lead others toward Him. Together, let us work on solving the intricate puzzle of life so that we may become more like Him. Let’s offer our prayers.

Submitted by Kurt Hamilton

Prayer God thank you for challenging us. Thank you for giving us opportunities to get better, to learn more about you, and to figure out what’s going on in our lives. God, you give us all the tools to figure out the puzzles that are around us. Show us how to take the time to learn how to use them and put them into action. Not only for ourselves, but so we can continue to adapt and learn how to help others. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and be here each and every day. We love you and thank you. Amen. 

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