General Disclosure Statement on 34 CFR 668.43(a)(5)(v).
General Disclosure Statement on 34 CFR 668.43(a)(5)(v) For academic programs that may reasonably be assumed to lead to professional licensure, these disclosures indicate, as of October 2020, the states where the University has determined through reasonable, good faith effort that such programs:
- Do meet the applicable professional licensure requirements;
- Do not meet the applicable professional licensure requirements; or
- Have not been able to be identified as meeting the applicable professional licensure requirements.
The following degree programs are designed to meet licensure/ certification requirements in Arizona, Kansas, and/or Wisconsin, providing required courses and preparing students to sit for licensure exams as needed. These programs may meet requirements elsewhere. For more information, prospective and enrolled students are encouraged to consult the annually updated information below, their program directors, and their states’ and territories’ professional licensure and certification agencies.