Engineering Major Courses
Technical Writing
Study of writing with technical and scientific purposes. Focuses on understanding scientific and technical discourse communities, writing effectively in appropriate genres and styles, developing a personal writing-to-learn practice (e.g., STEM notebooks), presenting information in oral and online formats, corresponding with professionals, appealing to varying audiences, integrating graphics and data, reviewing and assessing scientific and technical literature, editing, and collaborating.
Introduction to Engineering
An introduction to engineering drawing and computer programming. Hand drafting and computer-aided drafting. Orthographics, isometrics, sections, and dimensioning. The algorithmic formulation of problem solving using computer software. Designing, writing, and debugging programs with a high level computer language.
The study of elementary engineering forces in equilibrium. Vector notation, forces, moments, equilibrium, free body diagrams, friction, frames, beams, trusses, centroids, and second moments.
This course focuses on direct current )DC) and alternating current (AC) circuit analysis using mesh and nodal techniques. Resistive, capacitive, inductive, and op-amp circuits. Kirchhoff's laws and network theorems. Frequency domain and impedance. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis.
The study of elementary engineering kinematics and kinetics. Rectilinear and curvilinear motion, translation, rotation, relative motion, forces, mass, acceleration momentum, work and energy.
The study of the conservation of energy in open and closed systems. First and second laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic properties of gases, vapors, and gas-vapor mixtures, energy-systems analysis including power cycles, refrigeration cycles and air-conditioning processes.
An introduction to the characteristics and applications of semiconductor devices and circuits. Diodes, bipolar junction transistors, field effect transistors, linear models, biasing and load line analysis of transistors circuits.
An introduction to the architecture, operation, and application of microprocessors. Assembly language programming, addressing, system clock and timing, serial and parallel ports, input/output devices, and interrupts.
Mechanics of Materials
A study of the concepts of stress and strain. Load effects, plan stress and strain, deformation of beams, shafts and axial members, and buckling.
Digital Signal Processing
An introduction to the analysis and representation of discrete-time signals. Aliasing, anti-aliasing filters, sampling continuous-time signals, quantization, and quantization noise. Discrete-time convolution, difference equations, the z-transform, the Discrete-Time Fourier Transform, the Discrete Fourier Transform, and the Fast Fourier Transform. FIR and IIR filters.
Engineering Lab I
An introduction to simple circuits and electrical instruments. Applications of Kirchhoff's laws and network theorems, resistive circuits, series and parallel combinations, capacitors and inductors, voltage sources, function generators, digital multimeters, and oscilloscopes.
Engineering Lab II
The basic concepts of the use of a microprocessor to control external devices. Assembly language programming, digital logic, subroutines, stacks, input/output techniques, and bus structure. Sampling analog signals, A/D and D/A conversion, and digital filtering.
Seminar in Applied Engineering
Students apply the skills they have acquired in their undergraduate education to the development of a technical solution to an open-ended problem. Problem statement, specification, design process, building, implementation, testing, and documentation include a written report.
Full Degree Catalog