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OUKS to Benefit from STEM Initiatives

Two Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) initiatives being steered by the Ottawa University Advancement office are nearing fruition on the OUKS campus.

Music Department at OUKS Targets Growth

A commitment to grow and enhance Ottawa University’s Department of Music echoes in every note being played or sung by student musicians on campus.

New Holiday Light Display at Ottawa Campus

A new light display has been added to the Ottawa University campus this holiday Season.

Ottawa University Homecoming Weekend Festivities Announced

Ottawa University has announced the festivities scheduled for its annual Homecoming weekend, Oct. 11-14 at the residential campus, 1001 S. Cedar Street, Ottawa.

Former KU Basketball Star Wayne Simien to Speak at OU

Former University of Kansas basketball star Wayne Simien to speak on campus Sept. 20.

OU Names New Dean for Angell Snyder School Of Business

​Chancellor Kevin Eichner announced today that Dr. Lena Rodriguez has been appointed to the position of Dean of the Angell Snyder School of Business at Ottawa University.

Record Enrollment Numbers at Ottawa University for 2018-2019 Academic Year

Ottawa University continues to experience record growth across its system as 3,317 students arrived for their first day of classes at the University’s Kansas and Arizona residential campuses.

Dr. Reggies Wenyika Named New President of Ottawa Residential Campus

Chancellor Kevin Eichner of Ottawa University announced today that Dr. Reggies Wenyika has been hired as the new president of the residential campus in Ottawa, Kan. Wenyika will assume his official duties on July 16.

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