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Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision

Mission Statement

Building on its foundation as a Christ-inspired community of grace and open inquiry, Ottawa University prepares professional and liberal arts graduates for lifetimes of personal significance, vocational fulfillment, and service to God and humanity.

Vision Statement

Ottawa University will elevate student learning and deliver exceptional outcomes for our graduates as we embrace innovation and foster a community of collaboration and belonging.

The Ottawa University Statement of Spiritual Identity

Approved February 16, 2024

Ottawa University is steadfastly Christian, proudly American Baptist, and positively open and inclusive.

The Ottawa University Code of Conduct and Ethics

Approved February 2008

All members of the Ottawa University community are responsible for sustaining the highest ethical standards of the University, and of the broader communities in which it functions. The University values honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility and strives to integrate these values into its teaching, research and business practices.

It is the intent of the Code of Conduct and Ethics to protect academic freedom, a collegial atmosphere, teaching and scholarship; to advance the mission of the University; and to help preserve the highest standard of business dealings.

The Ottawa University Diversity Statement

Diversity is defined as that incredible and beautiful variety of personal identities, experiences, values and world views that result from differences of origin, culture and circumstance. Ottawa University defines and appreciates diversity in all of its forms including age, ability or disability, ethnicity, national origin, race, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, and family and marital status.

Ottawa University celebrates and prizes the diversity of its students, faculty staff and Board of Trustees. In keeping with its mission statement, the University is called to actively foster an environment of awareness, appreciation, and intentional inclusivity. We hold this as essential in an institution which declares that it will conduct its affairs in a caring, Christ-centered community of grace.

We believe we must embrace diversity because to do so is just, powerful, personally enriching and intelligent and because we believe Christ has called us to do so through His teachings and His example.

In committing to and honoring our Diversity Statement, members of our community will:


  • Encouraging and empowering all to build an especially open and welcoming community.
  • Valuing and respecting ourselves and all others.
  • Developing a passion for diversity by deepening our cultural awareness and extending our intercultural experiences beyond mere study.
  • Creating a culture on all of our campuses in which all persons are seen as unique and all individuals know they are prized and valued.
  • Behaving as open and inclusive people through our actions and voice in all settings in which we conduct our lives, including in our:
    • Classrooms
    • Residence halls
    • Other University buildings and public spaces
    • Athletic endeavors
    • Student, faculty, staff and board organizations.
    • Social engagements
    • The general workplace
    • Our places of worship
    • In the surrounding communities in which we live and work
    • With our families, friends and associates.


Fostering personal growth by actively exploring and better understanding the origins of our assumptions, judgments, and points of view and constantly challenging ourselves to refrain from prejudice or unexamined points of view.

Promoting and nurturing a learning environment in which students, faculty and staff are encouraged to understand the challenges, accomplishments, heritage and perspectives of all peoples in order to gain a fuller and more mature understanding who we are as well as others.

Teaching ourselves and others to engage in constructive dialogue as a way to reach out to those who may think or act differently than we do.


Questioning the status quo, seeking to understand competing perspectives, and encouraging one another to move from our comfort zones to experience and celebrate the richness of a diverse society.

Sponsoring initiatives to continuously stretch the University community to expand its view of diversity and to reach out to other communities to advance a greater understanding and respect for diversity.

Using the diverse talents, skills and perspectives of each member of our community in powerful ways to reach our educational and organizational objectives.

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