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Within Scholars Hall, new student hall, there is no communal kitchen. In Veritas Hall, upperclassmen hall, there is a communal kitchen located on the 2nd floor.

  • Due to varied student schedules and lifestyles a policy of 24-hour courtesy hours is always in effect. Noise should always be contained to student rooms as not to disturb other residents. Always feel free to ask neighbors kindly, as a courtesy, for a quieter environment.
  • Officially quiet hours in and around the residence halls will be observed by all residents and their guests according to the following schedule: Sunday-Thursday: 10:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Friday-Saturday: Midnight-10:00 a.m.
  • 24/7 quiet hours during final exams.

Residence hall visitation hours by members of the opposite sex to individual rooms, upon invitation by the resident are set within the established guidelines:

  • Sunday-Thursday: 12:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
  • Friday and Saturday: 12:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. (Midnight)

Anyone who is not registered to a room in on-campus housing is considered a guest. You may host a guest in your room provided:

  • The guest is properly registered and has completed the necessary documentation with the Office of Student Affairs. All guests are the responsibility of the resident with whom they are staying and are bound by the same principles, guidelines, and rules that apply to residents.
  • A guest may not stay for longer than three consecutive nights in any seven-day period.
  • Guests may be permitted or denied at the digression of the Director of Student Life.

Any student attending OUAZ that will or plans to have a vehicle on campus must completed the Vehicle Registration Form. If the vehicle you plan to bring changes, please re-submit the form to OUAZ Public Safety and Security.

Yes, but coordinate with your roommates and suitemates to make sure you aren’t bringing duplicates. We also have a microwave and mini fridge in each suite in Scholars and Veritas Hall.

No, all OUAZ-provided furniture must remain in the room and intact through the duration of your stay. Any removed or missing furniture at the end of the year will result in housing fines.

  • You can have a fish in an aquarium smaller than 5 gallons, if your roommate agrees.


  • You cannot have any other pet.
  • The prohibition of pets does not apply to service animals or emotional support animals. In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Fair Housing Act, OUAZ will consider on a case-by-case basis requests for an emotional support animal in housing.
  • Students with animals on campus MUST first register with the

If you have extenuating circumstances that require a private room, contact Student Disability Services.


Beds have already been bunked in the necessary room, based on occupancy. Beds cannot be lofted, due to safety concerns. If you have any specific questions regarding bed situations, ask your RA for further direction upon your arrival.

No, OUAZ does not offer student storage.  We recommend storing items at one of the many local public storage facilities.

  • Residence halls are closed during the semester breaks occurring in the academic year, but remain open during other university holidays.
    • The hall closing day is the Friday of final exam week at 5:00 p.m.
  • Communication to all residential students will be via email, hall meetings, and fliers throughout the residence halls.
  •  Students must vacate 24 hours after their last final or by 5:00 p.m. on closing day, whichever comes first.
  • Sometimes students can stay if there are extenuating circumstances that would require staying on campus. If a student needs to stay on campus over the holiday break, the student must submit an extended stay request form.
    • Other exceptions regarding students staying on campus over break are made in conjunction with campus employers and athletic department for students to stay on campus for practices, games, or certain (not all) campus employment.

Scholars and Veritas Hall each have an elevator.

Cohabitation is not permitted on OUAZ’s campus. All halls are co-ed except for the 4th floor of Scholar's Hall. Each room/suite is assigned by gender.  

All international students are required to have the OUAZ health insurance plan with United Healthcare.

Health insurance is required for all students who are not covered under another insurance policy.

A waiver must be completed every semester or student will automatically be enrolled with OUAZ health insurance plan with United Healthcare and charged for insurance.

Information regarding the waiver or opt in process will be sent by July 1 for the fall and December 20 for spring to the students email address. Students have questions regarding the waiver or opt in process please contact

RA On Call Phone: 623.235.4607


If students want to room together each student must include the other student(s) names on the online housing application. Please be aware that roommate and suitemate requests are not always guaranteed and are dependent on the completion of the online housing application and available space.

·         Laundry is located on the first floor of Scholars Hall and on each floor of Veritas Hall (Floors 2-5).

·         The cost to wash a load of clothing is $1.75 and to dry a load of clothing is $1.75. The machines take quarters; signs are posted on each washer and dryer throughout the laundry facility regarding instructions on downloading the PayRange app to add funds to pay for laundry. 

Student's Name

15950 N. Civic Center Plaza

Surprise, AZ  85374 


When the package or envelope arrives at the OUAZ Fan Shop, the OUAZ Fan Shop will email the student to their student email address informing the student to stop by and pick up the package or envelope.

Research indicates that students who reside on campus are more satisfied with their college experience, perform stronger academically and are more likely to graduate within four years than their commuting classmates.  In addition, they have a strong support system with peers who are going through similar experiences.

Yes, all commuter students must submit an online commuter application through the Adirondack Housing Portal that can be found on

Congratulations on your acceptance to OUAZ! Visit for more information on applying for campus housing.


You may decorate your room with fun bedding, photos of friends and family, throw pillows, rugs, etc. Check out the What to Bring section on this page for more information.

Yes, students over the age of 24 are not permitted to reside in university housing. OUAZ does allow for some exceptions, please contact for further information.

Yes, every room has air conditioning and heating. 

First, call your roommate. If that doesn’t work….

Second, call or find your Resident Assistant. If that doesn’t work

Third, call the RA on Call Phone: 623.235.4607.

If you lost your key, please stop by the Office of Student Affairs located in Veritas Hall. Replacement keys are $25 charged to the student’s account.

  • Communication is the key to most roommate conflicts. And conflict resolution is one of the important things that you learn as a member of the residential community.
  • Residents that have roommate conflicts must first try to resolve the issues by communicating with the roommates.
    • Resident Assistants will help with roommate mediation.
  • If the roommate mediation does not prove to be successful, students are required to talk to their Resident Assistant and request a room change application form. All room changes must be approved by the Director of Student Life.
  • The university has its own security officers that monitor the campus for signs of unusual or criminal activity by making around the clock patrols and are available 24/7, 365 days a year.
  • Additionally, Resident Assistants are on duty each night from 5:00 p.m.-8:00 a.m. The Resident Assistants are trained to be attentive and responsive and to contact the Graduate Assistant for Residential Life when needed.
  • All buildings and rooms are secured with locks and/or key card access.

Please see the “What To Bring Page” to what items are provided by the university.

Your move-in time will vary based upon what term you are beginning class. Please stay tuned for an email that will direct you to your check- in/ orientation time based on your start date.

RA hiring starts in February for the next fall. Applications are followed by personal and group interviews.

Most new students live Scholars Hall. This is geared towards freshmen. In addition, upperclassmen may select to live in Scholars Hall. If freshmen-only housing fills up, incoming freshmen may be placed in upperclassmen housing (i.e., Veritas Hall).

For the purposes of maintenance, safety and security inspections of student rooms and apartments are conducted at various times during the academic year and at the beginning of vacation periods. Notices of these inspections will be posted on the door to each dwelling in advance. Staff members doing the inspections will knock before entering a residence and announce their intention to enter if no one responds before entering. When staff members enter a dwelling where none of the residents are present, there will always be at least two staff members present which may include resident assistants. During these inspections, the dwelling will be checked for maintenance and safety concerns. The staff is authorized to turn off any appliances and confiscate any prohibited appliances or equipment that pose a danger to safety. Staff is also authorized to confiscate any alcohol or illegal substances and cite residents for any policy violations. A receipt will be left informing residents of the time and date of the inspection as well as information about any confiscated items or policy violations.

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